18. early to mid-1990s
Acrylic and charcoal stick on canvas (1)
Acrylic, pastel stick, and charcoal stick on canvas (2)
Lead pencil on paper (4, 5)
Oil stick on paper (3, 6 to 26)
Two canvases with horizontal linear movements (1, 2) began this series. The pencil drawings with similar horizontal lines (4, 5) followed as independent works. Other variations within this category are grouped together.
For larger versions, please click on the thumbnail images, and/or scroll down for a slideshow of them.
1. 18½” x 16”
2. 19” x 16”
3. 14” x 11”
4. 9” x 7”
5. 12¾” x 10¼”
6. 12” x 9”
7. 17” x 14”
8. 17” x 14”
9. 17” x 14”
10. 12”x 9”
11. 8½” x 7”
12. 8½” x 7”
13. 8½” x 7”
14. 8½” x 7”
15. 8½” x 7”
16. 8½” x 7”
17. 10½” x 9”
18. 6” x 8”
19. 6” x 8”
20. 6” x 8”
21. 6” x 8”
22. 14” x 17”
23. 14” x 17”
24. 14” x 17”
25. 14” x 17”
26. 14” x 17”
Scroll down for a larger image.